Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 months and GROWING!!!

Lucas turned 2 months old last week (Feb 21st) and he is very healthy (and Mom's been too busy to post, so we are late on this one). He weighed in at 14lbs 9oz at his 2 month check up, and had grown to 25 inches long. I was told this was very normal, if he was 6 months old!!! Lucas is growing much faster than the average boy, but it sure is fun watching him grow. We are still in owe of how quick it all happens. A few photos of the past week:

Lucas and his cousin, Taylor...

Lucas loving his bouncing chair...

Lucas standing tall. (I swear he wants to walk already!)

Lucas chillin' in his new chair...

Lucas hanging with his girl, Emma (and mom's)

Friday, January 23, 2009


I believe that I am of the correct thinking that most things in life.. are in a cycle.
Today's economic woes and the wars that seem to be raging everywhere, have us all very scared and feeling real pain.
I was thinking about what Lucas and his generation will be facing in the years to come? I believe that in his world, when it is his time to shine, there will be a new order of rules and standards by which we all live by. The behavior of "some", the false sense of entitlement that permeates everywhere today, and all of the greed will likely sound as ridiculous as segregation or woman's rights did for me and my generation(let alone the many that lived through that time and their experience)
I have learned that nothing is 100% clear, but, we do get better at working together toward a better understanding. I think it only prudent to understand that there will always be "some" that will not play in the sandbox nicely.
I was looking at my son and wondering all of this while listening to some of my Jazz buddies (Cannonball, John, Dave, and Miles) and recalled something that I recently read regarding the tough decisions and "unpleasant things" that our new President will have to face. After all, this is America. One of our founding father's said "we are a government of laws and not of men".
A renewal of America's respect for the Constitution and law would be welcome at home as well as abroad. Fear is what drove us for 7 years and we were given the chance for change in 2008 and in 2009 we implemented it.
I will tell my son the stories of the fear created by "some" and remind him that "most" prevailed and that his liberties and freedom today are a direct result of those actions. The next four, or eight, years may be a disappointment, a triumphant renewal or something in between. "Our president is inexperienced, and right now the world looks especially forbidding. President Obama is a respectful man and thoughtful man, and that is a good start."
(some quotes here are from The Economist Jan 17, 2009 edition)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Making Friends...

Lucas has made a few goods friends in a short span of time... It's great to see him interacting and getting excited about the presence of others. I think we have a friendly little man on our hands...
Lucas and his Buddy Hudson
His pal, Dylan...

Hudson and Dylan's Mom, Julie...

His girlfriend Isabelle...

He got some shared mat time with Isabelle on Sunday, it was precious...

He loved Isabelle, but like all girls, wanted to play with Lucas's toys. Lucas played along, till she stole his pacifier... which we caught on film. priceless....
I can't wait till Lucas gets to meet all his other pals and girlfriends out there...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Movie Time

Some of Lucas's best moments in video...

Snow Day... want to point that thing somethere else...

Lovin' Reggae...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


It was the longest week of my life(Vanessa). I started work last week, but only a couple days, so this was the first week back. And what a week, layoffs, changes, tough business... But you know what, it all disappeared this morning when I woke up to a smiling and happy Lucas. He has been doing so well. We have found a really wonderful and sweet nanny for Lucas to spend his time with, and that makes it so much easier to go to work each day... And knowing I will always have Saturdays, and my smiling Lucas makes work a little more tolerable.

Leah (Nanny) and Lucas...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Our Newest Murphy

Taylor Kate Murphy is only 7 weeks younger than her cousin, Lucas Dylan. Just imagine all the fun to be had as they grew up together...

Proud Papas...

Late last night, Jimmy's brother Tommy, and his wife Nancy, had a beautiful baby girl. She is a healthy 6 lbs, 5 oz baby. Her name is Taylor, but I since it was late last night, I don't know all the details yet (Jimmy didn't get home from the hospital till 3:30am). She is a beautiful, We are very excited to be an Aunt and Uncle to this little girl. Lucas is psyched to have a cousin so close in age to pal around with.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Something to Smile about...

Tummy Time!!
Lucas loves his mornings. He is so much fun from about 8am to 10am. During that time, he is awake and happy just about everyday. He gets another boost of energy in the evenings too, but I got some great shots of him the other morning. He is getting so strong. He has always had great head control, in this series of pictures he shows off his new smile and his strength!

"Why, Hello Ladies..."

I love this look. "Mom I got this tummy time thing covered!"
Lucas is a happy baby, showing off his smile as often as he can! Watch him "coo" and smile, in this latest video...