Sunday, August 9, 2009

Visit to Grandma...

It had been a little bit since we visited Grandma in Connecticut, so we headed down on Sunday to say hello and give her a little Lucas time... Lucas time is always a good thing! Lucas got Lucky, because he got to ride on Fred's tractor, a good 'ol John Deer...


Nightly, Bath Time is Daddy time. Jim has this down to a well run routine, but it's also one of Lucas's favorite times of day.

Just a cute pic...
Yep, that's right... he's standing all by himself. I think it was the NY team spirit that inspired him!! Go Yankees!

1 comment:

Baby Nelsen Blog said...

they all love the tractor. is it too funny, how do they know to love tractors? lucas is looking like a proper little toddler. i can't believe it! so adorable. and i wish we could have joined you at the cape. some day!! xx to you all