Thursday, July 30, 2009

Movie Time

Took a few home movies to show Lucas's quick progression these past couple of weeks. Of course, I started with the most comical... Lucas used to eat with his hands, but I guess I waited a little too long to feed him and he was hungry...
The rest of these just show how much more mobile he has become. I think walking is not that far off...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today was a good family day. Since we have moved to the Boston area, there has been lots of coming and going. Always moving. Today we woke up and went for a stroll with Lucas, and decided that we wanted to go out for a bit (the big different being, we didn't have to go anywhere, but decided to go out). While we ended up doing things for the house (found a great furniture sale!), we mostly just hung out, laughing with Lucas. He is so quickly becoming a little funny man, so much personality and always in such great spirits. Jim and Lucas were having fun this morning, so I quickly grabbed the camera...

Yes, that's Lucas taking a bite out of one of our bills.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Leah!

Lucas misses his Nanny Leah very much, and today is her birthday!! Lots of love and birthday wishes to her!!

Summer Time

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Life in Boston has been busy, busy lately; but we've been having fun. Lucas is growing up so quickly. He went from crawling to cruising in no time, he's even standing on his own (no hands!).

My Buddy, Hudson
Lucas and his buddy Hudson have had a lot of fun. Hudson took Lucas for a ride in his jeep, pushed him on the swings, and just hangs out. Hudson has quickly become a favorite friend.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Funniest Home Movies...

So our little Master Lucas has become a big fan of standing, and he is quite proud of himself. Here's a video of how I found him when it was supposed to be nap time....