Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Zealand... the recap

New Zealand was full of laughs, giggles, moments of glee. Lucas seemed to love every minute, as did I. (of course, we both missed Dad).
Everyone was excited to meet Lucas, and I was able to get some much needed rest, and I had many helpers to change diapers, do feedings, and simple play with the little man.

Lucas is getting ready to train as an "All Black", that's NZ's rugby team.
Just smiling, and smiling...

The girls were in love.

The girls are growing into such beautiful ladies... I love this pic of Arielle.

Stephanie just glows...

Lucas loved them both so much.

He loved Grandma Sherry too.

The whole family had fun playing games with Lucas...

Grandpa still enjoys NZ as much as he did the first day...

Lucas took to the New Zealand waters, which were actually warmer than I have ever seen.

Sherry and Stephanie on the deck on the new home.

Lucas and I got to spend more time than we had since our first six weeks. It was great to be able to bond with him, and hang out (literally).

Exploring NZ's natural treasures.

I love this face.

"Yes, I am having that much fun too!"

New Zealand is such a beatiful place, I was taking a picture of the girls hanging out, but have to take a minute to enjoy the scenery.

Hot Water Beach is a favorite to the surfers.

Lucas got to hang free on the beach in NZ.

Hot Water Beach

Cook's Beach

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lauhging in NZ!!

During a rainy day in NZ, Lucas had his firtst real laugh and it's on video!! Steph and Arielle were horsing around, and Lucas found it very funny.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The House!!

So if you have ever spoken to my father in the past few years, you would have heard about the property and the beauty of New Zealand. He is building a house that comes close to matching the beauty of New Zealand. Nestled on a hill over looking Hot Water Beach, it is an unbelievably beautiful spot. I hope you all have a chance to visit one day... Heaven on Earth.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Zealand Maiden Voyage

3 airplanes, and 38 hours later... Lucas and I made it to New Zealand. And it couldn't have been more worth it! Lucas was a champion on the airplane, not even one crying episode. I was so proud! :-) New Zealand has been blissful. Being able to spend a few days in the sun with Lucas is so wonderful. If Jimmy were here it would be completely perfect, but we think of him daily. xo. So far Lucas has put his feet in the Pacific, played in New Zealand sand, and most importantly got to meet the LeFebvre ladies... Sherry, Arielle, and Stephanie... And it was love at first sight. Here are just a few of the 300+ pictures I have taken since arriving. So much to take in. More postings to come.

Uncle Gabe!!

The musical mad man that is Lucas's uncle came to visit, and Lucas was very taken with him. It was so good to have Gabe for a visit, even if it was a quick one. Good luck with the band and the new job!! xo.